Friday, September 4, 2020

Aesop Fables essays

Aesop Fable's expositions Aesop, the tale teller, that is a title we hear frequently . He presents tales for youngsters with a good behind it. Still right up 'til today nobody truly knows his actual biography , however we are aware of his tales. How would we realize that they are his tales? possibly we give this individual acknowledgment for something he has not done. Tales in those days were heard in oral convention, his tales could have been told from numerous points of view, it will never be sure what is Aesops work and what isn't. There are scarcely any realities that can be depended on with any level of sureness, regarding the birth, life and passing of Aesop. Be that as it may, there is a structure inside tales and there are shrouded messages and purposes behind the tales. Regardless of whether there are tales that are not Aesops, he despite everything gets kudos for his example of work. Aesop is the maker of tales. There are three normal and notable modes for giving guidance. Every one of these modes are perceived through there own one of a kind attributes. The story is summarized by essentially either on creative mind or verifiable proof. This mode doesn't have to have any ethical IDs inside. Stories fundamental employment is to keep up a shrouded meaning, the words themselves uncover what good is attempting to be appeared through each line. To the peruser, it might be imperative to the perusers reference. The tale resembles no other, it somehow or another extraordinary and here and there concur much of the time. Its like a story , there is a genuine account however short. Its like an anecdote by having a concealed message yet it utilizes anecdotal characters all the more then the utilization of language. The tale itself follows a political truth, or good norm. A genuine tale has its plan of composing fall under the anecdotal characters, as being used of creatures. Additionally by plants , tre es , the sky , anything that breaths or tops off the world. As though the peruser had somebody controlling them ,offering them guidance, through each line. The exercise succeeds when the peruser itself shows solid sentiments... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Shingo Prize Award free essay sample

RD Purpose and Background The Shingo Prize (SP) was built up in 1988 by a Japanese mechanical architect by the name of Shigeo Shingo, which separated himself as one of the world’s driving specialists in improving assembling forms. (Shingoprize. organization, 2010) The (SP) works by advancing a familiarity with slant in assembling ideas, and to perceive organizations that accomplish world class status. The (SP) has been alluded to by Business Weekâ the â€Å"Nobel Prize of Manufacturing. Reliableplant. com, 2010) The (SP) perceives and advances research, and composing in regards to new information, and comprehension of assembling predictable with the way of thinking and rules of the (SP) for greatness in assembling. Shingo has influenced various of assembling rehearses all through the world which include: Toyotas creation framework, Guanajuato Manufacturing Complex North Plan, Gulfstream Aerospace, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Ultraframe UK Ltd. The strategic the Shingo Prize is to make greatness in associations through the utilization of all inclusive, plainly obvious standards of operational greatness and the arrangement of the board frameworks and improvement strategies all through a whole association. We will compose a custom paper test on Shingo Prize Award or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page (Shingoprize. organization, 2010) The vision is to be all around perceived as the chief Center for rule based authority in Operational Excellence and for giving the best quality of greatness to which any association may benchmark themselves and plan for development. (, 2010) Unlike different honors where there is just a single victor, the (SP) has various degrees of having the option to vie for an honor, for example, Shingo Prize, Shingo Silver or the Bronze Medallion; every one has around 12 champs for each level. Anyway don't belittle that in light of the fact that there is 36 potential methods of winning that it will be that simple; there are many organizations that seek the (SP). Grant Criteria The (SP) resembles each different honors; organizations need to meet certain models so as to fit the bill to get any of the various degrees of (SP). The organization must be an assembling organization, that is basically a given henceforth the statement of purpose. Likewise the organization needs to pass a progression of examinations by a leading group of analysts comprising of more than 175 pioneers all through North America. The board that leads the entirety of the Shingo Prize examinations is the College of Business at Utah State University. These examinations will comprise of ensuring that the is meeting the entirety of the rules center which are: consumer loyalty and productivity; quality, cost and conveyance; lean center activities; and initiative and strengthening empowering agents. Subsequent to social affair all the data from each organization they will at that point start the procedure of disposal, and pick the best organizations that show the entirety of the standards to its fullest exhibition limits. Advantages of the Award What can organizations profit by having a Shingo Prize? Subsequent to putting so much time and exertion in molding your organization into turning into a lean assembling which evacuates all non-esteem added movement to a procedure, improving quality, cost and conveyance. The entirety of the aptitudes obtained will stay inside the business in this manner stretching creation as far as possible and promoting their general interest in the years to come. The honor will permit your organization to be straightforward to your clients permitting them to see that you care for the general nature of your item. Measurements have been demonstrated that the organizations that do adjust to the (SP) model will build their business by up to 30% consistently. Past Winners This year was an incredibly hard rivalry for their were in excess of 50 organizations that met the entirety of the standards of the (SP) anyway just two were picked to get the (SP) for going well beyond necessities. The following is the rundown of the 2010 (SP) beneficiaries respected. The Shingo Prize * Guanajuato Manufacturing Complex North Plant, AAM †Silao, Mexico * Interiores Aereos S. A. De C. V. Gulfstream Aerospace †Mexicali, Mexico Shingo Silver Medallion * Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company †Lawton, Okla. * HID Global †North Haven, Conn.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Synthesis of the Themes in Selected Poems about War Essay - 2

A Synthesis of the Themes in Selected Poems about War - Essay Example Richard Lovelace’s ‘To Lucasta, Going to the Wars’ is routed to a soldier’s darling at the purpose of his leaving for war, who he attempts to persuade of the significance of doing battle. The officer initially concedes that the war might be contrasted with having another ‘mistress’, as he will currently be pursuing the ‘foe’ with more enthusiasm and grasping his weapons and pony with a ‘stronger faith’ than he has pursued or grasped his sweetheart however then proceeds to legitimize this examination. The storyteller at that point says that the main explanation he is fit for adoring her so much is on the grounds that he cherishes respect more. This affection for respect is demonstrated by his taking to war so enthusiastically. In the sonnet, the demonstration of adoration and demonstration of war are thought about and war is viewed as a nobler action. The sonnet ventures to such an extreme as to attest that in addition to the fact that war is a more prominent love, it is the main explanation that men are fit for adoring ladies †they are the two missions to demonstrate their respect. This perspective on raising the subject of respect in war and setting it over other lesser concerns like sentimental love shows up in this sonnet of the seventeenth century. Britain, at that point, was known for valorizing valiance and war and embracing estimations of solid energetic inclination among its residents. This pattern of thought is again reflected in English verse in a sonnet like Alfred Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’, which was written in 1854. Almost 200 years after the presence of Richard Lovelace’s sonnet. Tennyson’s well known sonnet likewise discusses the ‘noble six hundred’ who were a piece of the Light Brigade that battled for England against Russian soldiers in the Crimean War. The greater part of the sonnet is an intense admonishment to the mounted force however there is as of now a note of perceiving the purposelessness of war. As Tennyson composes: ‘Not tho' the warrior knew/Someone had blunder’d’; the officers are themselves unconscious of why they are to battle the war that they are being sent to battle and this is a urgent thought that changes the view of war from something seen as fair and daring to something that is later considered as stupid, inefficient and unfeelingly crazy. Wilfred Owen was among the primary artists to most powerfully expound on the repulsions of war. His sonnet ‘Futility’ uncovers a tormented voice that is befuddled by the duration of something as terrifying as the war. ‘Was it for this the dirt developed tall?’ the speaker solicits, as he portrays the passing of a youthful trooper from France. As of now the style has changed from being one of intense appeal and pride to one of appalling misfortune and consternation. There is no consolation to the soldiers or notice of ‘honor’ or even acclaims for the penances made during the war. The sonnet rather refines the officers who are constrained to lose their lives in silly wars that they have not been liable for beginning. Owen’s other sonnet ‘Dulce et Decorum est’ takes head on the more seasoned recognitions on war and exposes them. The title of his sonnet and the last line difficulties Horace’s quote ‘Dulce et propriety est ace patria mori’, which generally implies that it is acceptable to pass on for one’s nation, and considers it a ‘old lie’. The language of this sonnet is brutal and unforgiving, portraying the fighters as ‘beggars’ and ‘hags’, who ‘all went faltering, all blind’. The physical torment that the fighters experience at the front is depicted in the entirety of its shock, and there is no optimistic ‘

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Seven Steps to Find a Product Copywriter Best Work for Best Conversions

If you’ve done the work to create the best product in the world, your next critical step is to get the word out. You need to reach those people who want your product or services. One of the main ways to do that is through great written content on your website or blog. A great product copywriter can attract the clients who are looking for your product. Just about anyone can write. And of course, you know your product better than anyone else. But sometimes writing website copy yourself isn’t the best way to go. When it comes to your product or service website, any written content, including blog posts, ad copy, press releases, and banners, can benefit from an experienced copywriter and review for SEO improvements. If you’ve reached the point where you realize you need to hire help to sell your product to potential customers, one way to get the job done is to find a product copywriter. How to Find a Product Copywriter If you’re going to search out a product copywriter you want the best affordable copywriter. You want a copywriter who can provide well-written content for your website or blog. You want content that persuades readers to become paying customers. But you can’t just choose any writer, so how do you find a product copywriter that will be effective? We’ve put together a seven-step process that will help you find a cut-rate copywriter that is affordable and will produce the content you need to sell your product or services. 1. Know What You Want: There are numerous types of copy writing that comes into play for marketing your produce or services. If you’re going to hire an individual copywriter, it’s important to hire one experienced with the type of copy writing you need. So, the first, step is to decide what type or types of copy writing you need including: ââ€"  Help with Branding ââ€"  SEO Copy ââ€"  Backlinks ââ€"  Exceptional Written Content ââ€"  Product Descriptions ââ€"  Blog Posts ââ€"  Email Campaigns ââ€"  Press Releases ââ€"  Ad Copy ââ€"  Editorials ââ€"  Technical Copy ââ€"  Course Curriculum or How to Instructional ââ€"  Banners Many freelance writers and copywriters have experience in writing more than one type of copy. The ideal product copywriter will be highly experienced in writing the type of copy you will need most often and have knowledge or experience in several other types of copy as well. And dont think that its okay to cut corners and hire cheap writers just because your product is not as expensive or your site is not as big. Bad copy will put all customers off, so theres no point in spending anything if its on poorly written work.  Better content leads to more customers, more sales, more praise and better reviews. We have direct experience in this. The FWU  owners, worked with an independent  retailer of bathroom products. That retailer cut corners with copywriting and business was slow. As soon as they hired professionals, their conversion rates went through the roof  and their products were picked up by major Amazon reviewers and by respected review sites like Bathing Guide. 2. Where to Look for Copywriters: ââ€"  Third party freelance sites (Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, etc.) ââ€"  Craigslist ââ€"  Copywriting or SEO Agencies Third party freelance sites are a good place to find product copywriters. But only if you know how to find the best copywriters available. Upwork, for example, which is a third party freelance site, provides you an option to search for copywriters using a filter. The search filter lets you search for copywriters in your specified country and with a 90% job success rate or higher. You can filter these results by hourly rate as well so you get a listing of the best copywriters in your budget range. 3. Collect and Review Writing Portfolios Once you’ve gathered names and contact information for potential product copywriters, it’s time to sort through their experience and narrow down your choices. When reviewing portfolio work look at the following elements: †¢ Error Rate †¢ Author Voice †¢ Persuasiveness of Written Content †¢ Readability 4. Collect References or Portfolios It’s expected for you to ask the copywriters to provide references so you can check the quality and scope of their work. Sometimes this will come in the form of website links you can visit to see written copy on topics or products like yours. Other times the copywriter may provide you with a link to their portfolio of previous work. 5. Select the Best Affordable Copywriter When you’ve narrowed your choices down to 2-4 potential copywriters, review their portfolios, their sample work, or contact their client references. Choose the writer whose work seems to best reflect the quality and tone of writing that you’d like to see for your own website or blog. Keep in mind that many writers can write on a wide variety of topics, so focus more on the accuracy, tone, and style of writing than on the topic. If your copywriting needs are varied, research the best affordable SEO company for access to multiple quality copywriters. When you’ve reviewed your selected writers, and have chosen the copywriter you feel will do the best work, it’s a good idea to give them a test project to begin with. Starting off with a smaller project lets you see how they will respond to feedback and instruction and also gives your writer a chance to make sure the project is a good fit for them. 6. Pay Your Copywriter Fairly Always offer to pay a reasonable amount for the test project, it’s not professional to ask a copywriter to do work for free, even for a sample or test project. Make sure you are aware of pricing for copywriters in your niche or industry and pay your copywriter fairly. Consider a cut-rate copywriting service such as Compulsion Media, as mentioned above, because you will benefit from one stop access to multiple high-quality copywriters and SEO services. A quality copywriting service or SEO agency retains multiple professional writers on staff who can handle press releases, blog posts, ad copy, website content, and much more. If the test project goes well, move on to bigger and more complex projects. Don’t assume your chosen copywriter can handle whatever you need. Be sure to ask them up front about press releases, blog posts, product reviews, headlines or banners, book reviews, travel writing, etc. if those types of writing will be part of future work. 7. Monitor Results If you’ve made the decision to invest in your business by hiring a professional copywriter or cut-rate SEO agency, invest time in analyzing the outcome. Monitor website traffic, readers, click throughs, and sign ups. If possible invest in A/B testing to ensure written content is presented to readers in the most engaging way possible. Selling products or services through written content online is a dynamic process. The process must be continually tweaked and tested to ensure your objectives are being met.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The War I And World War II - 1930 Words

INTRO SUMMARY OF WARS Humanity was forever changed after the wars of the 20th century. World War I and World War II are known for the millions of military and civilian lives they took away. Horrific words such as concentration camps, slave labor and genocide are linked to the wars. They are also credited to causing nations to rapidly come up and develop brilliant new inventions, warfare tactics and revolutionary ideas that are still playing intricate roles in modern day societies. Both of these wars were accredited to the implementation of new technology and weapons. Many treaties and agreements were drafted, written and implemented in the aftermath of the war and reconstruction plans were carefully put together. The world famous war†¦show more content†¦The Great Depression, World War II, the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the collapse of several empires can all be linked back to it. WWI was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hu ngarian Empire. It officially began when Germany started invading Belgium and France. The sinking of the Lusitania, a British passenger liner; unrestricted German submarine warfare; and several other events, all led up to the United States feeling the need to become an intervention. Millions of American men were then drafted, and the War Industries Board was introduced by Congress to coordinate material production while the National War Labor Board was formed to unify labor policy. Additionally, there were independent republics formed after WWI that today are known as Austria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, and Turkey. I can best summarize this war by using words written by author John Keegan. He wrote the following words in his book titled The First World War â€Å": The First World War was a tragic and an unnecessary conflict. Unnecessary because the train of events that led to its outbreak might have been broken at any point during the five weeks of crisis that preceded the first clash of arms, had prudence or common goodwill found a voice; tragic because the consequences of the first clash ended the lives of ten million human beings, tortured the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Controversy Of E Cigarettes - 1148 Words

Ethical Controversy of E-Cigarettes Originally manufactured in China in 2003, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) were manufactured as a better way of inhaling nicotine without the health effects of smoking tobacco. They were developed to provide the tobacco user with a device that would heat up liquid nicotine and other chemicals including carcinogens that once heated would create a vapor in which the user would inhale. Unlike cigarettes, nothing is burned, and there is no smoke released from the device. E-cigarettes are marketed to the consumer as a better way of quitting smoking or just sustaining the craving of tobacco by allowing the smoker the pleasure of nicotine in reduced amounts. Currently, the FDA Center for Tobacco Products regulates cigarettes, tobacco, and smokeless tobacco and only e-cigarettes that are marketed to the consumer for therapeutic purposes are regulated by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Without regulations, consumers do not know wha t the potential risks are or how much nicotine and other chemicals are inhaled and if there are any benefits from inhaling the vapors. Since there is no smoke released manufacturers encourage consumers to use the product in smoke-free environments. Oxford Dictionary named â€Å"vape† the word of the year in 2014. Farmer 2 Advertisements and media present inhaling e-cigarettes as being glamorous and a way to socialize as well as stating that vaping is family friendly.Show MoreRelatedPolicy Position For Electronic Cigarettes Essay1453 Words   |  6 PagesPolicy Position for Electronic Cigarettes in Public Area Electronic cigarettes, which are commonly known as e-cigarettes, can be described as battery-powered devices that are packed with liquid nicotine. The liquid nicotine is a highly addictive chemical which is dissolved in a combination of propylene glycol and water. 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Business Performance of IPhone 7-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the IPhone 7 Business Performance and Strategies. Answer: Company research Company Profile Apple Inc is the US Multinational company which develops designs and sell consumer electronics, software and different online services. The headquarter lies in Cupertino, California. The hardware products include Iphone, Mac Personal computer, Ipad, The IPod, Apple Smart Watch. The consumer software comprise of MacOS IoS operating system. Apple Inc. was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1976. The company incorporated in the year 1977 and saw a significant momentum and revenue growth. They went public in 1980 and saw an instant financial success. In January 2007, Steve Jobs renamed Apple Computer, Inc. to Apple Inc. in order to reflect its focus in the direction of consumer electronics and proclaimed the Iphone. The company saw a significant accolades and noteworthy financial achievement after the launch of Iphone series. Apple is the largest information technology company by the revenue and the second largest mobile phone company after Samsung. The comp any employs 116,000 Full time employees as on October 2016 and maintains approximately 498 Retail stores in 22 countries. The global annual revenue amounted $ 215 billion for the 2016 fiscal year. The brand enjoys a high level of brand loyalty and frequently ranked as the worlds most precious brand. Iphone is a line of smart phones designed and marketed by the company. The first generation was launched in June 2007. Apple has released ten generations Iphone models. The original Iphone was portrayed as "innovative" and a "game-changer" for the mobile phone industry. The success of phones has been credited with ample of efforts to make it one of the world's most exclusive publicly traded companies. Product Introduction The Iphone 7 and Iphone 7 Plus were designed, developed, and marketed by Apple Inc. The Smartphone was announced on September 7, 2016, at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco by Apple CEO Tim Cook. It was released on September 16, 2016. The company released it in many countries globally throughout September and October 2016. On the whole, the devise is similar to the Iphone 6S. There are new specifications in the Smartphone that are: new colour options, a new capacitive, static home button, and no 3.5 mm headphone jack and water and dust resistance. The internal hardware is also been upgraded including into a heterogeneous quad-core system-on-chip. This has enhanced the overall graphics performance of the new phone. The rear-facing camera is upgraded to 12 megapixels. Company Performance Business Performance Measures A growing business requires close and careful inspection in order to ensure an effective investment. This can be attained by putting performance measurement system on track. The progress of business depends upon managing the information in the best possible way. The starting point of business depends upon the development of business. The starting point for system is to target the business in a strategic way. The guide set out to improve the business by targeting the objectives. It also helps in highlighting the key business areas in order to manage the business (Graham, 2008). To attain an effective growth, it is important to evaluate product performance. Globally there was an increase in the overall sale of the handset. Australian market witnessed a sluggish market in previous year. This led to a slight fall in the sale of the Iphone 7. Below mentioned are the statistics published by Telsyte's Australian gives an insight into the sale of smart phones in the year 2014 2015. There is a slight fall by 1 percent. (Source: Smith, 2016) The product has the fresh A10 Combination chip product that creates an edge. It is a fresh layout with four core process: high performance cores, and two low -power centres by using battery throughout regular activities. The first Technique used by the company is the target market strategy. This strategy let company divide the customers into a definite segment, and convene the requirements of diverse customers (Berthon, et al 2012). This has allowed in enhancing the core competition in the area. Iphone has a strategy to target the right consumer groups. Their current target audiences include young people between the ages of 20 and 35. This section belongs to college graduated and the middle-upper income level. This section has ability and craving to buy a mobile product at a high price. Apple has understood the consumer behavior and objects its capabilities according to the market need. The success of the company independently depend upon the advertising capacities and an effective m arketing campaigns strategies in order to support the selling. The business performance of the Iphone 7 can independently be judged on marketing tool that has created a line of loyal customers (Dou, et al 2010). Overall performance of the company: Apple's Iphone business saw a growth of 2% year over year, with revenue up 3%. The latter data implicates that the company's average selling price is growing. In Australia, Apples Iphone was the most popular brand of Smartphone sold in Australia with an estimated 1.7 million units sold in H2 2016. Balanced Scorecard It is a strategic management tool used to understand the performance of the company. Iphone 7 has a huge market share when compared to its competitor. The balanced scorecard significantly allow in developing an effective understanding. This is to understand the performance on various different parameters like: Finance, customer, internal operation and learning and growth (Kim and Ko, 2012). Parameters Strategic Priorities Objectives Financial Financial Strength It is one of the most consistent winners in the past 10 years. From investors point of view the product is known to be extremely reliable. customer 1.customer Satisfaction 2.Win-Win dealer Relations It achieves impressive achieving impressive customer satisfaction scores every year. Apple allows software developers to create apps (Hughes, 2012). Internal 1.Building customer value 2.Operational Excellence The purpose of the brand is to add value to the brand by a superior experience. The brand has a chain of loyal customers who are pushing the brand to make innovative changes. The operational excellence is based on the amount of efforts made by the company. The internal factors are based on accomplishing high standard goals (Rosenbloom, 2012). learning and Growth 1. Motivational and prepared employee 2. learning and development Apple is a pioneer of change. The core competitive advantage of the brand is to take multiple efforts on learning and growth. There strategy is to retain the customers for a significant longer time-period Measures Targets Initiatives Revenue Growth of 7 Percent and EPS Growth of 17 Percent in the August The company has targeted for a long term sustainability They are taking serious efforts to deal with the problems by concentrating on international market The customers are loyal in nature that creates a chain of loyal customers. Once a person has used an Iphone he will not switch to any other brand. They are targeting on developing an effective customer relationship. The target is to gain long-term customers as well as dealer relationship(Strauss,2016) For the purpose Apple is providing with an effective customer services. The location of authentic service centre has helped in managing the customers. The purpose of the brand is related to management of customer value and to continue the trust factor. The fact that the customers have a faith on the brand cant be ignored. The target of the brand is to develop the core value. Iphone 7 was launched with distinct new features. It has captured customers value. The internal operational excellence has allowed the brand to carry out distinct role in a significant way (Blakeman, 2014). New initiatives like the efforts in the manufacturing process equipment, and information systems hardware, software, and services has helped the brand in making significant changes. employee motivational benefits are been given to the employees, Effective learning and growth process in working There target is to increase adaptability. In this way the brand can gain longevity in every market Apple is focusing more on the higher-order needs. Apple gives reward to its executives by paying recognition bonus of salary from 3 to 5 percent. From above analysis it is clear that the organization is meeting up with the targets in order to deal with the situations. In order to manage the revenue company is outperforming in the local as well as the international market. To gain competitive advantage the brand has gained ample of efficiency in the profits. It is able to maintain the revenue at a high level through development of the effective results (Armstrong, Adam, Denize and Kotler, 2014). SWOT analysis Strength Brand equity Innovative technology Loyal customers Amazing software Wide support from developer Consistency in design Weakness Over expensive brand The memory is not expandable There is no more variety in the model. Opportunity Huge amount of market potential Improved technology advancement More dependency on digitization Should focus on geographic expansion Enhancement of Accessories Threat Android phones include more features than the Iphone. There is lack of innovation in the model that has lead to inefficiency. Excessively overpriced brand with loads of pressure on sustenance Causing a pressure on the brand image on a long run. This is an ineffective The Samsung Galaxy 7 phones are hugely accepted by the existing Samsung users. Strength Brand equity it is one of the renowned brands. Iphone 7 came in the market with a promise to compete the other brands. Apple is a brand with a promise. Innovation Above And Beyond The brand equity, the brand is known for its innovative technology. This is important to note that the brand is working on an innovative IoS system and is accountable for many tech revolutions (De Mooij, 2013). Consumer loyalty Once an Iphone user is always an Iphone user. Apple has created a line of loyal customer in the whole world. The users are enthusiastic for the launch of new Iphone series. The design is similar to Iphone 6 and 6S (Wright, et al 2010). Amazing software and OS The IOS operating system is known for its flexibility and speed. The user interface is incredible and user friendly. Customers find it easy to use and implementation of new and effective user updates has allowed in gaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Weakness High price The price they charge is very high; with such brand equity the only target is to retain only those customers who can afford it. The Apple Iphone is costlier against Samsung phones with similar features. Iphone 7 when compared to other competitor has fewer features Restrictions on the phone There are certain restriction on the Iphone that has accompanied as its weakness. Apple has added various features into the phone but there are certain restrictions in the system like no Bluetooth, expandable memory is absent, and non removable battery. The phone is overly priced but the new phone has limited features (Mohr, Sengupta and Slater, 2009). No variety Apple Iphone design is very constant whereas the other competitors are providing with a vast range of designs. It is disadvantageous for the population which continuously changes phones. People dont get the diversity that they look forward to from Apple Iphone. It is one of the reasons why people switch onto other brand. The other competitors are providing with a variety of features and an expandable memory (Rao, 2009). Opportunity A Wide market opportunity- The Smartphone industry will see an excessive growth in coming years. It is however important to notice that the brand is gaining competitive. It will utilize the huge market growing opportunity and development. In the recent time, the market has developed a wide range of opportunities for the smart phone industry (Noel, 2009). Developing technological advancement The development of technology is an added advantage for the brand. The software development and growth has created excess opportunities against the other brands. It is therefore important to manage the technology in the effective way by implying with the better and high-end Technology. Increasing dependency on digitization- In the recent time, people are becoming aware about the use of Smartphone for professional reason. It will therefore help in gaining a competitive edge over the other brand. Iphone in itself is a professional phone used by a wide number of people. With such a wide fan following the brand has gained a competitive advantage in a significant way. Geographical Expansion- the Company is to expand the business operations. In this way the company can gain the competitive advantage. The outreach of Iphone is very wide. The outreach of the company is very high. There are vast opportunities for the company in terms of geographical expansion (Roger, 2010). Threat Android One of the threats caused by the company is related to android. It is providing with the ample of facilities. Google is providing with most efficient mobile operating system Samsung one of the threats posed by the company is from the android company. Apple Iphone is mobile phone Company selling phones at different prices. It is selling phones in all shapes and sizes. Samsung has a different android OS and camera within different price scale. Samsung is the biggest competitor for Apple Iphone. Lack of innovation There is lack of innovation in the phone. The product is as similar to that of Apple. The brand has to come up with innovative technology. Lack of new product and innovation has become a threat to the company. Threat of brand Apple The company is not using innovation is causing a threat to the company on the large scale. This has led to a threat to the brand. There is a necessity to launch a single innovative product in the coming years. This will help in increasing the overall brand value of the product. The brand need to maintain a strong market strength if it want to perform well in the market (Lovelock and Patterson, 2015). Social and Economic Strength of the company The company has launched a wide variety of products that are helping in gaining long term sustainable objectives. Prior to Iphone 7 the company has launched Iphone 6, 6S 6 plus. The company has created an incredible popularity in the past 2 years. Iphone is a renowned brand name and within a period of 2 years from the launch of Iphone 7 the brand has earned position in the international market. People do have different set of behavior for Iphone. The users do have different set of opinion. Apples Iphone was best seller in Australia with an estimated 1.7 million units sold in H2 2016. Sales were hampered in 2015 due to the decline in the exchange rate of Australian dollars. It forced up the prices of premium handsets; whereas telecommunications providers are also reducing subsidies. Low-cost operators Oppo entered the market with competitive devices increasing the chances of switch over. People are using Iphone in order to maintain status in society (Hsu, 2014). A year ago Iphone sales passed a billion making it a biggest selling consumer product. Penetration of Smartphone in the international market is around 90 percent. Iphone is the biggest selling brand with a huge impact on the brand. It includes biometrics sensor that has proved to be an important part of the facilities as provided by the company. In these years the brand has gained name in the market. It is status symbol for the people and mostly used by the youth. In order to understand the consumer behavior it is important to analyse the changes taking place in the society. The Iphone is known as an ultimate price comparison tool and a great competitive leveller, enhancing the shift of power from producers to consumers that had already begun (West, Ford and Ibrahim, 2015). The starting point of business depends upon the development of business. In the recent changing business scenario it is visible that the business can do well in term of economic and social strength. The economy shift has a lesser effect on the revenue of the Iphone. Price rise has a little to do with the Iphone users. The over-expensive price of Iphone doesnt pose any impact on its sales. The sales are very lesser affected by the economic modulation. Apple is using various techniques to attract consumers. It is using the effective marketing tools to attract consumers from different social background. Iphone 7 was criticized due to lack of features when compared to its predecessor. While comparing the consumer behavior and revenue there has been an incredible growth in the revenue. There have been very fewer changes in the features (Sliwinska, et al 2008). The company has gained considerably well but everyone around is waiting for the significant changes in the handset. The progress o f business depends upon managing the information in the best possible way (Ryan, 2016). Industry and Strategy Research Apple has accepted that the company is moving to a three-year upgrade cycle. Before that Apple used to come up with a new model every year. Iphone 7 is based on the same basic design with fewer changes. There is no change in the model. The company is using the 2014 model with very few changes. The company need to understand the changes taking place in the smart phone industry over the period of two years (Weber, 2009). Industry and Generic Strategy Apples generic and intensive growth strategy is related to its pricing, marketing, and other areas of the business. Apples intensive strategies and ability to uphold its strong position in the global market has helped in creating a great market value. With a high rate of innovation and prominence, Apple has made considerable high profits by relative high selling prices. This successful situation indicates Apples efficiency in using its generic strategy and intensive growth strategies (Kingsnorth, 2016). The Cost Leadership Strategy Iphone has maintained cost leadership in the market by complying with the effective market strategy. It has ensured competitiveness and success through its effective technology. Thus by enhancing the competitive advantage the brand is able to make considerable interest. By lowering the cost of production and management, the company will be able to determine the effectiveness. Some of the practice that helps in gaining cost leadership thus by minimizing the operating cost and lowering the distribution cost. Iphone 7 is known in the market for its unique price model. The prices charged by the company are higher as compared to that of the other brands. Even after charging a high price the brand is gaining revenue (Baggily, 2013). The Differentiation Strategy The concept of differentiation strategy adopted by the company has created competitiveness in the market. This has been achieved by the company through its design and uniqueness. The Advertisement and promotional strategies adopted by the company is effective. This has enabled the brand in gaining a competitive edge over the other brand. The differentiation strategy has enabled them to gain an added advantage by fetching a considerable share from the market (Fromm and Garton, 2013). The cost leadership is about organizing resources in an effective way. Iphone is categorized as an industry player for delivering effective services. There is so much value creating positive value for the company. Positive values are the brand value for the company. It is therefore important for the brand to develop an important example. The brand is easy to use and implement new and effective user updates. This has allowed in gaining a high level of customer satisfaction. The phone is known for the valuable services and different strategic market scope. In the current market strategic growth, the brand is known for meeting the goals in order to gain a competitive edge (Zarrella, 2009). The Focus Strategy The product is known in the market for its focused market strategy. Its unique capabilities have helped in gaining competitive edge in the market. The primary focus on the brand is to gain competitive strength by meeting the needs of the esteem customers. This is to ensure growth of the product in the desired manner. The product has gain competitiveness in the market through its competitive strength. The first Technique used by the company is the target market strategy. This strategy let company divide the customers into a definite segment, and convene the requirements of diverse customers. The primary focus of the brand is to develop effective market strength in a distinguished way. In this way they can focus on earning effective market growth. The users are enthusiastic for the launch of new Iphone series. Iphone 7 was launched with new features. The design is similar to Iphone 6 and 6S. In this way the brand can earn effectiveness in market. The purpose of the brand is to earn eff ectiveness in the local as well as the international market (Kohler, 2007). Porter 5 forces Porter 5 forces are a most recognized tool used to ascertain competitiveness of the product. In order to gain competitiveness it is significant for the brand to recognize the brand standing in the market. The 5 forces model help in analysing the market standing through: Threat of new entry, supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitution and competitive rivalry. It helps in ascertaining the strengths and weakness of the company. This tool works in an effective way on a long-term basis (Kohler, 2007). Competitive rivalry High There are more players in the industry who are posing threat to them. Due to this the company is facing excessive struggle in the market. Company differentiate themselves in terms of making profits (Doole and Lowe, 2008). Iphone has avoided price based competition from the low end market player By generating a superior product to the Android phone. Supplier power Low The uniqueness of supplier product decided the bargaining power. It reduces the power of chip maker by designing its own chips. They buy their own equipment in order to reduce the overall price Apple has reduced the power of distributors by designing its own retail outlets (Magusara, 2017). Buyer power High The more customers the company has, the lesser is the bargaining power. If the switching cost is high then the buying power will substantially decreases. The company carefully use innovative product flow. Threat of new entrant Moderate In order to succeed Iphone has gained significant market share. It has a strong brand name in the market. There are many brand players in the market but Iphone has its own market strength. This has allowed the brand in meeting up with the needs. The new entrant will find difficulty in matching beating the supply chain and cost structure. Threat of substitute Low There are many brands offering the similar services but there is no threat. The product cannot be replaced by any other company. The brand has an effective market place that has helped them in gaining market position (Viardot, 2004). Strategic Recommendation Conclusion Apple should create a valuable market standing in order to concentrate on developing market strength. The company can attain competitive advantage by gaining cost leadership by minimizing the operating cost and lowering the distribution cost. Iphone 7 is known in the market for its unique pricing model. The prices charged by the company are higher as compared to that of the other brand. For gaining a strategic growth the brand need to develop concrete objectives. They need to slightly reduce its price in order to increase the purchasing power. The other competitive brands are selling the products at the lower price. By selling at a lower price the brand can create a high level of market competition. Additionally there is a necessity to make changes in the handset as well. Iphone 7 has received criticism at the time of its launch due to fewer changes. In order to remain competitive it is recommended to add effective changes in the product. This will allow the brand to attain a sustain able position in the local as well as the international market. References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P., 2014.Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Baaghil, S.A., 2013.The Power of Belonging: A Marketing Strategy for Branding. iUniverse. Berthon, P.R., Pitt, L.F., Plangger, K. and Shapiro, D., 2012. 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